Support -Downloading and Viewing e-book

4. How to navigate through our e-textbook.

Our textbook has built-in hyperlinks so you can jump to any chapter desired, and even to the specific part of any chapter to check a technique quickly. Here's how.

A. Once the textbook is downloaded, it will display in your e-reader looking like this:

RAG icon

B. Tap on it and it will open in your e-reader. The book will open onto the same color cover page. Swipe with your finger from right to left to move through the pages. You can reach our Table of Contents in two ways.

C. In the first method: Simply tap on any page. Control icons will appear. Tap on the book symbol:

Pop-up TOC

D. The Table of Contents will pop up. You can scroll up and down the list with your finger. Tap on any chapter and you will jump to that chapter's Rapid Index. The appearance of navigation symbols will vary with the e-reader.

Pop-up TOC

E. In the second method, simply swipe through the pages to reach the book's own Table of Contents. At this point, turn the iPhone sideways as our book shows two pages at a time.

F. Enlarge the image by 'zooming' with your fingers. (You won't have to do this if you are using a tablet with a larger screen.)

TOC zoom

G. If you tap on the desired chapter, using the book or the pop-up Table of Contents, you will jump to that chapter. (Again, features will vary with each e-reader.) Tap on 'Thorax and Lungs.'

Thorax and lungs

H. Zoom in again to your desired selection.

T&L Rapid Index

I. Tap on your desired selection. For this example, tap on 'Scoliosis Inspection.' You will jump to that section of the chapter.

Scoliosis inspection

J. To see more of the chapter, swipe with your finger forwards or backwards.

K. To jump to a diffferent section, tap the page to access the Table of Contents icon again, or use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.

Scroll bar

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