Support -Downloading and Viewing our e-book

Once you purchase an e-copy of our textbook, you will receive an email message containing a textbook download link.

You must open this email message on the device where you have your e-reader installed.

However, before you proceed, you will need to register with Adobe if you have not already done so. If you have already registered, please scroll down to #2.

1. Registering on

To register, go to and click on 'Sign in.' You will see this screen. Click on 'Get an Adobe ID.'

Complete the form and submit.

2. Download your e-reader.

If you are using a Mac or PC computer, download the Adobe Digital Editions e-reader at:

If you are using a smartphone or tablet, download the PocketReader app. It's free. You can use any e-reader you wish as long as it accepts Adobe DRM (digital rights management) format.

3. Download the e-book.

Click on the textbook download link (3rd option) in the email you received from EditionGuard when you purchased your e-book.

It will usually ask which app to copy the file to. Select the e-reader of your choice. Again, we recommend Adobe Digital Editions for a Mac or PC, or PocketReader for mobile devices.

The app may ask you to log in using your email address and Adobe password.

Once you do this, the textbook will download. This can take a few minutes.

You can then use our textbook on your computer or mobile device. The table of contents links to each chapter, and the index before each chapter links to those specific pages.

We hope you enjoy your e-book version of our textbook!

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